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Marketing Magic REPLAY

with... Kathy Kennebrook, Marketing Magic

Kathy Kennebrook®'s Marketing Magic System “Let Me Show You How I Made Seven Figures In Twelve Short Months Using My Unique Direct Mail Strategies To Locate More Highly Motivated Sellers and Completely Automate My Business”

Thursday, January 30, 2025 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Kathy Kennebrook®'s Marketing Magic System

“Let Me Show You How I Made Seven Figures In Twelve Short Months Using My Unique Direct Mail Strategies To Locate More Highly Motivated Sellers and Completely Automate My Business”

“And How You Can Do The Same In Your Pajamas Without Licking A Single Stamp!” 

It’s absolutely true. I usually start my day talking to sellers, making offers and buying a property before I ever get through my first glass of iced tea in the morning, (I’m allergic to coffee) or get out of my pajamas.

When I first got started in the real estate business a few years ago, I was working in full-time sales logging thousands of miles each year because if I didn’t work, I didn’t get paid. Frankly, I was tired of the whole business. I just thought there had to be a better way to make a living.

Then I discovered real estate and quickly found out the best deals were going to be made only with sellers who were truly motivated to sell.

Once I decided I wanted to make a lot of money…and enjoy the good life that goes with it, I knew I needed to find a way to make it happen. And the way to that goal was to find motivated sellers who wanted and needed to sell.

I Want To Help You Earn The Same Big Profits I Do! Even in Today’s Market.

I'm sure you're skeptical. In fact I hope you are. Because that’s smart. But I urge you to read on to find out what makes my systems so special…. and why I’m willing to share my secrets with you.

Hundreds of real estate investors all over America have implemented my systems. Now they have motivated sellers practically begging them to take their properties off their hands. What's their secret? What's their edge?

At Last I Have Unlocked The Secrets To Getting Really Motivated Sellers Contacting You.

Carve A Unique Niche Market That Other Real Estate Investors Simply Don't Know About. My special techniques are designed to identify and address a unique and virtually untapped market place of motivated sellers … some of those include out-of-state owners, pre-foreclosures, burned-out landlords, hard to find owners, expired listings, estates, military transfers and more!!

Written and spoken in simple language, with Step-By-Step directions even a novice can follow, my unique systems take all of the guesswork out of the equation! THE TRUTH IS…Not Everything Has To Be Hard! My “Cookie Cutter” Systems Are Incredibly Easy To Implement !!

I've even included all the information you’ll need to put my systems in someone else’s hands and get them to do all the work for you so you can concentrate on reaping the rewards of CLOSING THE DEALS and getting the BIG checks. How much easier can I make it? The bottom line is, almost everyone would like to find a way to make lots of money with little or no effort. What could be easier than having the truly motivated sellers contacting you first? Gone are the long and boring days of calling ads from the newspaper, or burning gas driving around looking for the same houses everyone else is driving around looking at, or burning money on classified ads hoping for the best!

There is an easier way! The sellers will contact you first and when they do, let me tell you, there are some wonderful deals to be made. The more motivated the seller is, the better the deal is going to be. Simply put, it’s all about having the motivated sellers contacting you first with the pretty houses and the ugly ones. These strategies have been perfected over the last several years and several hundred properties that I have bought and sold and hundreds done by my students.

Here's proof

We started an ‘out of town owners’ mailing using your materials and have gotten excellent results. I have two houses under contract right now, not to mention a pile of leads that I am still trying to work through. As for lead generation, your system has given me ‘more bang for the buck’ than anything else I've done. I am totally sold on it.” Paul A, Airline Pilot, Englewood, Florida

This Amazing System Works Whether You Are A Novice Investor Or A Seasoned Pro.

Almost everyday I get e-mails and letters from my students sharing their success stories, and they tell me how my systems have changed their lives! As you read them, you will quickly see these are just average folks who were looking for a way to increase their business and find even more motivated sellers.

? How to use 12 Direct Mail Campaigns Plus 24 additional unique marketing techniques to fill your pipeline with even more deals, and let even more motivated sellers know you buy and sell houses.


  How to Get Kathy’s Personal Help to Create and Mail Out Super Successful Direct Mail Campaigns.

Free Event

Date:  Thursday, January 30, 2025
Time:  6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Event Liability Waiver

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Marblehead, MA 01945
(781) 405-1845

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