The Top 10 Dos and Don’ts for Airbnb Short-Stay Landlords

Community of Real Estate Entrepreneurs


I don’t want to be a buzz kill…

…but there’s too much mushy thinking in the short-stay space. 

So much so that I see short-stay landlords acting like home-sharers — and having a lot of fun doing so.

However, if you check their bottom lines, you’ll see they aren’t doing much better than passive landlords. And doing extra work without capturing extra income is not the way to run a for-profit business.

As a foaming-at-the-mouth Airbnb-er since 2011, one who is both a provider and user with stays all over the United States, let me offer a bit of structure.

Three Short-stay Business Models 

You need to be crystal clear about which type of short-stay business you’re operating.

The table below summarizes the financial goals of the three models

Rental Income Cheat Sheet for 4/30/24 main Meeting



Residential Income Property


1983 - ACRE w/Al Lowry & RAND Robert Allen

Mr. Landlord;-) Not in Massachusetts:-(!   ;-)


1.What are Residential Income Properties?


Zoning & Rules restrictions.




Sort Term, Medium & Long Term.

How Much$ (how to check the competition).

Where to go? Market - High, Medium or Low?



YOUR Farm area!



NH Rental Housing. Can you help Kate for a few minutes?


Received this yesterday: 

"Hi Mike!

Thanks for taking a class with us!  (EPA RRP)

We have a lot of projects and one of them is the NH Housing Rental Survey.  This year we have got a system to make it easier than ever to enter your data.  Would you please have someone in your office click on the links below to get you a copy of last year's survey and enter your data into this year's information?  We are nearly at the end of our time window for gathering the data this year.

I really appreciate it!

I've copied the info below from a previous email that I sent you to be sure that we have the correct personal link - the first link is to LAST YEAR'S survey and the second link is to take the new one for this year

 I feel that it is one of the important things we do for landlords every year.  Here is a link to last years' survey.

We would really appreciate it if you would help us by addin

==Legislative Update, 2024 #12== More big wins; HB1115 passes house. Register now Class filling up for EPA RRP crack down in Manchester.



Howdee Everyone,

Another big win!
For HB1320, Flood Insurance, Amendment # 2024-1247h has removed the entire extremely trouble landlord/tenant section of the bill.

Continued big win.
HB1368, Anti-algorithm Rent Pricing
Full House voted and HB1368 is now dead and will be dropped from future updates.

HB1115, Lease Expiration As Ground For Eviction passes House by slim majority.

See Action Map & Update Summary for all of the above.

Next House Session
Thursday, March 28, at 9:00 am
Next Senate Session
Call of the chair