Update Summary
Note: some links have changed. Always use latest links in latest update.
Also note that we often keep previous update info on items still active because there are often new members signing up and receiving the updates. So we want them to have the info. Please have your housing provider partners and friends join us. The more members the stronger we will be.
Recent and coming info:
2024 #24 Required FinCEN company registration .
2024 #25 See Sneek Peek at upcoming bill titles.
2024 #25 Final outcome of the remaining 2024 bills, see below
2024 #25 See 2024 Newly Chartered Law. It is already updated with some of the more impactful bills. We will continue to add to the list.
2024 #25 Short analysis of the change in NH legislature from the last election.
TBD Analysis of the new Anti-Squatter law.
TBD Various media articles.
TBD Stats and resources regarding homelessness.
TBD In depth look at the potential restrictions involved with participation in federal programs.
TBD Opportunity to make a significant move to end homelessness for veterans in Manchester, NH. Contact us if you’re interested to help out.
TBD Info on the new lowered lead action levels from the EPA.
TBD Clarification on RSA 130-A newly constructed residential rental lead safe certificate requirement.
Stay tuned.
Final outcome of the remaining 2024 bills:
Major bills (follow action items in Action Map above):
HB1400, Anti-Squatter Amendment attached to HB1400
We worked very diligently on this to craft language that would accomplish the goal of allowing a housing provider to quickly remove an unauthorized person while protecting rights of a true tenant and simultaneously avoid some bad unintended consequences in to versions of competing language. More on this in a future issue.
Signed by Governor
Another big win.
HB261, Lease Termination Domestic Violence Victims Or Newly Disabled
Property owner position: Against original bill, For Amendment 2024-0574s
We did a large amount of work on this bill and eliminated the most troublesome provisions and through some difficult talks brought it down to an acceptable version.
Signed by Governor
Another win.
Look over the new law to be sure you are compliant.
SB519, Restrictions On Renovation Evictions
Property owner position: Against
Died on the Table.
Another win.
HB1320, Flood Insurance
Property owner position: Against original bill. Neutral on amendment 2024-1954s.
The original bill had horrible provisions for rental real estate all of which we were able to entirely remove. In the end, the bill requires that prior to the execution of a purchase and sale agreement for real property that flood risks be disclosed to the buyer.
Signed by Governor
Another win.
HB283, Application Fee Limit & Refund
Property owner position: Against original bill; For amendment 2023-2441h
Another bill that started out very bad and we were successful in rewriting it to something very benign.
Signed by Governor
Another win.
This involves taking application fees. Look over the new law to be sure you are compliant.
HB379, Indigent Tenant Eviction Notice of NHLA
“Died In Interim Study”
Another win.
Important Bills:
SB392, Lead Hazard Remediation Fund
Died on the Table.
We hear that the Lead Hazard Remediation Fund was refunded another way so we still ended up with a win.
HB1281, Occupancy By Unrelated People
Died on the Table.
This was left as a You Decide bill so it is neither a win or a loss.
HB1144, Septic System Disclosure
Signed by Governor
This was left as a You Decide bill so it is neither a win or a loss.
HB1635, Short Term Rental Rooms & Meal Tax
Inexpedient To Legislate, bill died
This was left as a You Decide bill so it is neither a win or a loss.
HB1065, Limiting Sprinkler Requirements
Signed by Governor
Although not a Major bill we were For the bill so this is another win.
HB1229, Shoreline Minimum Standards Disclosure
Signed by Governor
This was left as a You Decide bill so it is neither a win or a loss.
HB1168, Study Impact Of The Housing Crisis On People With Disabilities.
Signed by Governor
This was left as a You Decide bill so it is neither a win or a loss.
HB1053, Allow Residential In Commercial Zones.
Died on the Table.
This was left as a You Decide bill so it is neither a win or a loss.
Minor Bills:
SB518, Section 8 Incentives
Property owner position: For
“Died In Interim Study”
This was a minor bill for us. It would have been good for the market to establish more incentives for housing providers.
This is not a loss for us. Rather legislators missed an opportunity.
Big thank you to those that donated. It really makes a positive difference to keeping this Legislative Initiative going. Donations have ranged from $15 to $500.
If you feel we are providing benefit, you can send donations to 16 Crescent St, Derry, NH 03038 made payable to Nick Norman or clicking the donate button to pay online.